So you bought a Toyota and want to hit the trails, now what? My advice to you is to find a supportive group of women who will lift you up and connect you to classes that will help you learn what your vehicle can do.

Learning to off-road in a male dominated industry can be intimidating. For some, it can mean the difference between following your desire to learn or giving up. We wanted to create a women's off-road group that was free from judgment and provided women a platform to be able to share helpful information.

Lady Yota's recently hosted a professionally led off-road driving class exclusively for women, and it was a huge success! We did encounter skepticism from others who believed the idea would not work, citing previous unsuccessful attempts. After seeing the increasing number of women registering for off-road events, we became concerned that some might find themselves in challenging situations they were unprepared for.
Anyone can purchase an off-road vehicle pass and slap it on their truck, but what happens when you are on the trail and blow a tire? What is the plan if you slide off the side of a hill and need to self-recover? Are you on the trail with other women who have taken advanced recovery classes? We believe it is very important to have this knowledge before you hit the trails.

Lady Yota's is a group of like-minded women who want to be able to have as many safe responses to the above as possible. Off-roading is fun, but it can also be dangerous. Winch cables can snap, vehicles can become disabled, weather conditions can change, etc.
Part of our mission is to connect women to driving, off-road safety and recovery classes. We do this in order to ensure we are as prepared as possible and can safely enjoy our time out on the trails.
Check out videos of our latest class here!

The knowledge you will gain, and team building with other Lady Yota members, will help ensure you have a great time on the trail and make it safely off the mountain.
Please be sure to check out our Facebook page for class info!
Below is a review from one of our Lady Yota's who took our driving class with Backroad 4WD. Backroad 4WD are professionally certified off-road educators, who are fully licensed, bonded and insured.
"I cannot recommend Backroad 4WD Training enough. Even if you've been 4X4ing for years, these guys will up your game and increase your confidence.
The class starts with learning about your vehicle. What the components do and how that affects driving. Learned about airing down, tires, wheels... it was great! As a building experience, not only in my own comfort with my vehicle but also, with the amazing women who, cheered each other on! I think we all worry about going into a group where we don't know anyone. That alone is brave, but not once was there a feeling of "good lord, just go" if you know what I mean.
So next Spring or whenever... if you have the opportunity Backroad 4WD Training - Driving 101 (PNW) was worth every penny and more.
Thank you Lady Yota's for putting it all together..."